Courses in the Department of 社会学 和 Interdisciplinary

Below is the general list of course offerings in the Department of 社会学 和 Interdisciplinary 社会科学. To view the course description, grading options, units, 和 General 教育 areas satisfied please go to the 当前目录

Courses are organized into the following areas: 



AAS 020:美国有色人种女性.S.

AAS 025: The Changing Majority: Power 和 Ethnicity in America 

AAS 033A:美国亚裔美国人.S. 历史上我 

AAS 033B:美国的亚裔美国人.S. 历史第二 

AAS 125: Filipino Experience in the United States

AAS 133: Introduction to Social Issues in Planning

AAS 145: Urban Policy 和 Its Impact on Inner City Residents

AAS 159: Asian Americans in Media Representation & 流行文化 

AAS 170: Special Topics in 亚裔美国人研究 

AAS 175: Asian American Communities 

AAS 180:个人研究 

AAS 185: Multicultural Perspectives within American Society 

AAS 186: The Vietnamese Experience in America

AAS 190:实习 

AAS 192: History of Japanese Americans



SOCI 001: Introduction to 社会学

SOCI 105: Statistical Applications in the 社会科学

SOCI 057: Community Involvement 和 Personal Growth 

SOCI 080:社会问题

SOCI 092: International Program Studies

SOCI 100W:写作工作坊 


SOCI 102: Introduction to Statistics


SOCI 104: Quantative Research Methods 

SOCI 104B: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods

SOCI 105: Qualitative Research Methods

SOCI 105B: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods

SOCI 116:全球社会

SOCI 118: 社会学 of Human Rights 和 Social Justice

SOCI 120: Contemporary Social Isssues

SOCI 122: Women in the Second Half of Life

SOCI 127: Community-Based Participatory Research


SOCI 141: Environmental 社会学

SOCI 142: Critical Native American Studies

SOCI 144: 教育 for Liberation


SOCI 146: Work, Power, 和 Leisure

SOCI 147: 教育 和 Global Justice

SOCI 148: Current Topic 和 Trends in 教育 


SOCI 154: 社会学 和 Non-Conforming Behavior

SOCI 160: Immigration 和 Identity

SOCI 161:城市生活

SOCI 162: Race 和 Ethnic Relations

SOCI 163:社会变革

SOCI 164:社会行动

SOCI 165: Poverty, Wealth 和 Privilege

SOCI 166:医学社会学

SOCI 169:政治社会学



SOCI 172: Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender Studies

SOCI 173: Socialization 和 Identity


SOCI 175: 社会学 of Masculinities 和 Femininities

SOCI 176: 社会学 of Everyday Life


SOCI 178:儿童社会学

SOCI 179: 社会学 of Higher 教育

SOCI 180:个人研究

SOCI 181:服务实习

SOCI 193: Behavioral 科学 in Practice



SOCI 201: Graduate Sociological Theory 

SOCI 204: Quantitative Data Analysis 

SOCI 205: Seminar in Qualitative Research Methods

SOCI 216: Seminar in Global Topics

SOCI 223: Seminar in Sociological Issues

SOCI 254: Seminar in Deviance 和 Social Control

SOCI 262: Seminar in Race 和 Ethnic Relations

SOCI 263: Seminar in Social Change

SOCI 270: Seminar in 社会学 of Family 

SOCI 275: Seminar in Gender Issues

SOCI 281: Internship in 社会学 

SOCI 298:特别研究

SOCI 299: Master's Thesis or Project

SOCI 1290R: Culminating Experience Supervision

Women, Gender, 和 Sexuality Studies 

Women, Gender 和 Sexuality Studies Courses

WGSS 010: Women, Gender, 和 Sexuality Studies

WGSS 020: Women of Color in the U.S. 

WGSS 101: Sex, Power, 和 Politics

WGSS 102: The Global Study of Women

WGSS 107:女性心理学 

WGSS 112: Women in the Global Economy 

WGSS 114: Politics of Mothering 和 Reproduction 

WGSS 121: Philosophy 和 Feminism 

WGSS 122: Women in the Second Half of Life

WGSS 131: Gender, Sexuality, 和 Religion

WGSS 135: Trans Studies: Identities, Embodiment & 政治3个单元

WGSS 156:黑人女性写作

WGSS 160: Queering Gender, Race, 和 Class

WGSS 169: Sexualities 和 the Body 

WGSS 175: 社会学 of Masculinities 和 Feminities

WGSS 180:个体研究

WGSS 189: Feminist Perspectives on Gender 和 Religion

WGSS 190:实习